Adult Introductory Fencing


Saturday April 26th
11:00 am - 12:45 pm


A one time class for adults with no fencing experience. All necessary fencing equipment is included in the class fee. Students should wear athletic shoes, a t-shirt and long athletic pants. No shorts, jeans, flip flops, boots, etc.

This is a good option for those who would like to try out fencing without the month long class commitment. This class can be taken before Adult Beginning Fencing, but is not a prerequisite.


Cost $45 for one session
Registration for 4/26 opens online April 1st at 11:00 am

Adult Beginning Fencing 1


Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Starts April 1st

This class is offered every other month


All necessary fencing equipment is included in the class fee. Students should wear athletic shoes, a t-shirt and long athletic pants. No shorts, jeans, flip flops, boots, etc. Please also bring a water bottle.


This beginning course is for people who have never fenced before or have taken Adult Introductory Fencing. If you have prior fencing experience please contact us before enrolling. Students are introduced to the 3 types Olympic style fencing: the Foil, the Epee and the Saber. Students will learn the basics of footwork and bladework of all three weapons in a safe, fun and interactive way.

Class is twice a week for one month. Students enrolled in this class will have the option to continue the following month at the same time in Adult Beginning 2.


Monthly cost $240

Adult Beginning Fencing 2


Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm

This class is offered every other month, alternating with Adult Beginning Fencing 1


All necessary fencing equipment is included in the class fee. Students should wear athletic shoes, a t-shirt and long athletic pants. No shorts, jeans, flip flops, boots, etc. Please also bring a water bottle.


This is the second month of Adult Beginning Fencing where students continue to learn foil, epee and saber.  Fencers will learn footwork, bladework and bouting in all 3 weapons.  After Adult Beginning Fencing 1 and 2 students will have the option to choose a weapon to focus on and continue in Adult Intermediate Fencing.

Class is twice a week for the month.


Monthly cost $240
Registration is open to those currently enrolled in Adult Beginning Fencing 1. If you have previously taken Adult Beginning 1 or have experience elsewhere please contact us to enroll.

Adult Intermediate Fencing


Tuesday and Thursday
7:30 - 8:30 pm
Epee, Foil and Saber

Most days have additional open fencing until 9:00 pm. Fencers are strongly encouraged to stay and fence.


Marshall Hibnes, Sarah Lippai, Myles Luedecke, Eric Piispanen, Iain Valentine


Students in the intermediate classes are required to have all of their own fencing gear. Those entering the intermediate class from the beginning class may borrow gear for their first month of intermediate.


This is an ongoing program for people who have completed our Beginning Fencing series, or have had previous fencing experience subject to instructor approval.  Each fencer focuses on epee, foil or saber and will learn footwork, bladework and tactics. Fencers are encouraged to start competing in appropriate tournaments once they are ready.

If you have previous experience please contact us regarding registration for Adult Intermediate Fencing
$195 Monthly



Thursday Epee Practice 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Monday & Wednesday, Open Fencing 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Saturday, Open Fencing 10:30 - 12:30

Fencers attend a once a week class and open fencing at least once a week. Open fencing is 3 times a week and students may attend all.


Marshall Hibnes, Russel Redding


In order to participate in our advanced programs, fencers are required to own the same equipment that is required for competition.


Advanced Epee is designed for tournament preparation for the local, regional, national level. Emphasis is on physical conditioning, tactical drills, and controlled bouting scenarios. Advanced membership also include access to open bouting sessions. Fencers are expected to compete in tournaments recommended by coaches. Private lessons available by request.


Fencers need approval of the coach to register for this class.  Please talk to your coach or email us to inquire about this program.
Monthly cost $195

ADULT Advanced Foil


Tuesday Foil Practice 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Monday & Wednesday, Open Fencing 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Saturday, Open Fencing 10:30 - 12:30

Fencers attend a once a week class and open fencing at least once a week. Open fencing is 3 times a week and students may attend all.


Paul Englund, Russel Redding


In order to participate in our advanced programs, fencers are required to own the same equipment that is required for competition.


Advanced Foil is designed for tournament preparation for the local, regional, national level. Emphasis is on physical conditioning, tactical drills, and controlled bouting scenarios. Advanced membership also include access to open bouting sessions. Fencers are expected to compete in tournaments recommended by coaches. Private lessons available by request.


Fencers need approval of the coach to register for this class.  Please talk to your coach or email us to inquire about this program.
Monthly cost $195

ADULT Advanced Saber


Tuesday and Thursday
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Plus open fencing: Tues, Thurs, Fri at 7:30 pm


Nikita Sakhanenko


In order to participate in our competitive programs, fencers are required to own the same equipment required for competition.


Competitive Sabre is designed for tournament preparation for the local, regional, national, and international athlete. Emphasis is on physical conditioning, tactical drills, and controlled bouting scenarios. Competitive memberships also include access to our intermediate classes and open fencing sessions. Fencers are expected to compete in tournaments recommended by coaches. Private lessons available by request.


Fencers need approval of the coach to register for this class.  Please talk to your coach or email us to inquire about this program.
Monthly cost $195

Open Fencing

Fencers with appropriate experience can participate in open fencing. Club membership, current USA Fencing membership and all of your own fencing gear is required. If attending for the first time please contact us first for more information for your weapon and to arrange a time to come in.

Private lessons may be available for those attending open fencing regularly. Fencers taking private lessons are expected to compete in tournaments recommended by their coach.

Fencers must claim SAS as their club with USA Fencing. Those who already have a primary club can claim SAS as a secondary club, but anyone taking private lessons at SAS must choose SAS as their primary club.


In addition to Youth, Junior, and Senior (open) age categories, the United States Fencing Association (USFA) holds national competitions and championships in four Veteran age categories: 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70+.  The International Fencing Association (FIE) also holds world championship events for: 50-59, 60-69 and 70+ age categories.

There are many local and regional events that also focus on Veteran age categories, so there are plenty of opportunities for people of all ages to meet and compete with each other.