Equipment & Merchandise — Salle Auriol Seattle

Fencing Equipment

Fencing equipment is provided for all beginning classes.  Students in intermediate and advanced classes and those attending open fencing are required to have all of their own gear.

We sell a full line of fencing equipment for all 3 weapons at the club. Buying in person supports the club and allows you to try gear on to ensure a proper fit.

In stock: masks, gloves, uniforms, foil & saber lames, body cords, electric weapons, blades, fencing bags, socks, parts for weapons, armory tools and much more.

If you are making a special trip for equipment please inquire beforehand to see if someone will be there to help you.

required fencing Equipment:


Underarm protector
Chest protector (optional for men)
Long socks, must reach bottom of knickers
2 weapons, minimum
2 bodycords, minimum
2 maskcords (foil and saber)
Lame (foil and saber)
Fencing bag

Why 2 weapons and bodycords? Two is the minimum required for tournaments in case one stops working or breaks. Most fencers take more than two weapons to a tournament.

Fencing Shoes

Appropriate shoes are a very important part of a fencer’s kit.  There are fencing specific shoes available online, but that may not be a feasible option for those just starting out.  Here are some recommendations for finding athletic shoes that are appropriate for fencing.

What to look for in a fencing shoe:

  • Good lateral support/resistance (twist the shoe laterally while holding onto the front and back of it)

  • Lace up to fit snugly on the foot (no slip ons)

  • Durable material (no soft mesh)

  • Good arch support, either built in or ones that provide room enough to add arch support

  • Non marking soles with good surface grip

  • The heel should not protrude from the back of the shoe too much (running shoes are an example of ones that have too much heal for fencing)

  • Court shoes (tennis, badminton, racquetball, etc.) are good candidates to try


SAS Merchandise

You can now order SAS merchandise to pick up at the club or to ship to your door.

We have t-shirts, club warm up jackets, water bottles, socks, hoodies, stickers and other merchandise. Wear your Salle Blue!