More Floor. More Floor.
The club looks even bigger when there's only 5 people in it.
Yesterday: We got a special delivery of flooring last night so we wouldn't miss a night of work, and the small but hard-working crew did an awesome job laying it all down.
Tonight: Right now, a large delivery of flooring is being dropped at our back door. We need to load it all into the elevator and send it up, while others take it out and install it. If we have a big group, everyone will have a little job, and we'll be able to get a lot done. We'll find a job appropriate for everyone.
Rockas made a great point last night. He's working really hard because, well, that's just what he does, but mostly so we can get the fencing season started as soon and as smoothly as possible. Fencing is why we do this, after all.
Who's in? Reply to this email if you can put some time in tonight or tomorrow night.
I've added some more photos to the slideshow. It's in reverse chronological order, so you can see the latest photos easily.