SAS Phased Re-Opening Information

SAS Phased Re-Opening Information

Salle Auriol Seattle Modified Phase 1 Re-Opening Information

The Governor’s Modified Phase 1 Re-opening Plan includes details for minimal re-opening of sports clubs.

The activities listed below are in addition to our ongoing Zoom classes, which will continue for the foreseeable future, and are meant as additional training opportunities for members who wish to participate in them on a voluntary basis.

Please read the following; if any of the activities listed below are of interest to you, please contact our General Manager, Kundry Haberkern, for more information or to schedule an activity.

Individual Lessons

Individual lessons are available, on a scheduled basis, with some instructors.  These are not “traditional” lessons, no blade contact between the fencer and instructor will be allowed and social distancing will be maintained; they will be a combination of cross-training, footwork, bladework, and other activities as defined by the instructor or requested by the fencer.

Individual Use of the Club

The Club will make space available, on a scheduled basis, for individuals desiring access to the club for private training.  This includes access to all cross-training spaces and equipment, plus access to part of the fencing floor for training activities.

Family or Cohabitant Use of the Club

The Club will make space available, on a scheduled basis, for families or cohabitant groups desiring access to the club for private training.  This includes access to all cross-training spaces and equipment, plus access to part of the fencing floor for training activities, including bouting.  These sessions can include a Club coach, if desired.

General Guidelines

Members who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 must self-identify and stay home.

Members are required to follow all posted guidelines in the club.

Members will be required to sign a “Modified Use of the Salle” agreement prior to the first time they use the Salle during these periods.

Members are required to wash their hands when they arrive at the Club.

Members are required to use face masks while they are at the Club.

Members diagnosed with COVID-19 who have been coming to the club must report this to the Club at the earliest possible convenience.  A member will not be allowed to return to the Club until they are cleared for public access again.

If an instructor tests positive for COVID-19, all members who have been working with that instructor will be notified and required to stop use of the Club until verifying that they are cleared for public access again.

Certain amenities at the Club will be restricted or not available.  This includes the locker room; members are expected to arrive at the club with their workout gear and leave with it when they are done.  The water fountains are available for water bottle use only; members are expected to bring a water bottle with them and take it home when they leave. Shared club fencing equipment will not be available for use, except blades if needed.

We understand that some members will choose not to participate in these activities.  We are striving to find a means to safely support club members who, for whatever reason, wish to train outside of their home.

Salle Auriol Seattle Phase 2 Re-Opening Information

The Governor’s Phase 2 Re-opening plan includes details for minimal re-opening of sports clubs.  All activities and guidelines included in the Modified Phase 1 Re-opening listed above are included plus the additional activity described below.

On-Site Classes

Clubs can hold group training sessions of 5 or less participants, plus instructors, so long as social distancing protocols are adhered to and class participants are under the age of 65 or not in an identified high-risk group.  Enhanced cleaning protocols, closure of some club spaces (such as locker rooms), ability to provide contact tracing information and other restrictions are also required.

Salle Auriol Seattle is proposing to provide once-a-week onsite training classes for members following the guidelines outlined above. As stated above, these classes are in addition to our ongoing Zoom classes, which will continue for the foreseeable future, and are meant as an additional training opportunity for members who wish to participate on a voluntary basis.

These classes will have “pods” of no more than 5 fencers who will remain in that “pod” for the duration of Phase 2.  No bouting or individual lessons will occur during these training sessions; they will be a combination of cross-training, footwork, bladework, and other activities as defined by the instructor.  Class participants must always maintain a 6-foot separation or more.  Instructors will be required to maintain at least a 12-foot separation from class participants and will wear masks.

Class members who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 must self-identify and stay home.  Class members diagnosed with COVID-19 must report this to the Club at the earliest possible convenience.  If someone in a pod is diagnosed, that pod class will be canceled until class members are cleared for public access again.

If an instructor tests positive for COVID-19, all pod classes they have been running will be canceled until the class members are cleared for public access again; the classes may resume with the same or a different instructor at the discretion of the Club.

Again, we understand that some members will choose not to participate in these classes.  We are striving to find a means to safely support club members who, for whatever reason, wish to train outside of their home

Update from SAS, June 1st

Update from SAS, June 1st

I hope this message finds all our Salle members safe and healthy.  The Salle has been working on a reopening plan based on the guidelines provided by the State’s Phase II Opening Plan.

Unfortunately, King County and the City have not yet entered Phase II, as I am sure you are all well aware.  We hope that this will occur sometime in June; we will provide you with the details of our reopening plan before the end of the week.

Until then, we are asking our members to, once again, donate their membership fees if they are financially able to do so.  If you are not able to do so this month, please contact us so we can turn off payment notifications to you.  These donations are tax deductible and keep in mind that some employers match donations.  Let us know if you need a receipt for matching purposes.

We will be expanding our online class offerings this month; they will continue after we enter Phase II and into Phase III.  Please take advantage of these online classes, regardless of whether you are currently donating to the Salle.  Contact us if you need the link information for these various online classes.

Salle Auriol Seattle was successful in securing a Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loan, providing us with additional funds to pay our full-time staff.  The club has used some money from our “rainy day” fund every month, but it remains healthy due to the awesome generosity of our members.  Thank you!

Please be on the lookout for more information about the Salle’s next steps towards fully opening.

Best Regards,

Marshall Hibnes
President, Salle Auriol Seattle